Do you pierce babies?how old do they have to be?

Yes we sure do! It is recommended to wait until the baby has received their first DTP vaccination.

HOw long does it take for the piercing to heal?

The average healing time is 6 weeks for earlobe piercings and 12 weeks for cartilage piercings.

what do you use to pierce the ears?

We use the Inverness System which uses a hand pressured instrument to pierce the ear.

When can i change my piercing?

You can change your piercing after the healing period. (earlobe 6 weeks, cartilage 12 weeks.)

what piercings do you offer?

We can pierce anything along the outer ring of the ear.

do you numb the ears?

We do not numb the ears at the time of the appointment. However, we do sell Zenza numbing cream which you can purchase and apply 1 hour prior to your appointment.

what earrings do you offer?

We have lots of earrings to choose from including 24 carrot gold plated, surgical stainless steel, and medical grade titanium.

what do i do for aftercare?

You will be sent home with a cleaning solution that you will use twice a day during the healing period.

do i need a parent/ GUARDIAN with me?

Minors under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian present to sign the Release Authorization Form.

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